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GFZ Data Services is a research data repository hosted at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany. GFZ Data Services is open for research data and scientific software from the Earth and environmental sciences. To explore published data, please visit our data portal. The entry point to publish data is our metadata editor. Instructions for authors and materials related to data management are located in the Support section of the website.

During the past years we have developed several DOI minting services for larger projects and international services and networks. Our Data Centres organise data publications according to their projects, networks or services affinity and may have project-specific landing page designs.

RI@GFZ means Research Infrastructures at GFZ, a searchable information portal on GFZ data and data infrastructures which are publicly available with or without registration. The portal doesn’t replace detailled descriptons on project webpages, but offers a short introduction and links to data, infrastructures, projects and contact persons.

The International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) is a globally unique and persistent identifier (PID) for unambiguous identification of physical samples and collections with discovery function in the internet. IGSNs are citable in scholarly literature and enable to directly link data and publications with the samples they originate from and thus close one of the last gaps in the full provenance of research results. 

GFZ operates an IGSN Registration service since 2015. All sample identifier registered via GFZ Data Services can be found in the GFZ Data Services IGSN Catalogue.